Econometria Aplicada a Finanças

Part 6

Henrique C. Martins

Multivariable models

Multivariable models

It is quite uncommon that you will have a model with only one independent variable.

The most frequent type of model in research is multivariate.

\[y_i = \alpha + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + \beta_3 x_3 + . . . + \beta_k x_k+ \mu\]

The estimation of \(\alpha\) refers to the predicted value of Y when all X’s are zero (it might not make much sense if the variables cannot assume the value of zero).

Multivariable models

Usually, we think of \(\beta_k\) as having partial effects interpretations.

  • Meaning that we think \(\beta\) as the change in Y (\(\Delta y\)) given a change in x (\(\Delta x_1\)), ceteribus paribus

    • i.e., holding all other changes as zero (\(\Delta x_2 = \Delta x_3 = . . . = \Delta x_k = 0\))
  • Thus, the “effect” or the “association” is \(\beta_1\), holding all else constant.

We can predict the value of \(y\) just like before.

\[\hat{y_i} = \hat{\alpha} + \hat{\beta_1} x_1 + \hat{\beta_2} x_2 + \hat{\beta_3} x_3 + . . . + \hat{\beta_k} x_k \]

Multivariable models

Like before, we will need some assumptions.

\[E(\mu | x_1,x_2, ... , x_k) = 0\]

Implying no correlation between \(\mu\) and the X’s.

Multivariable models

data <- read.dta("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
model1 <- lm(salary ~ roe , data = data)
model2 <- lm(salary ~ roe + lsales, data = data)
stargazer(model1, model2 ,title = "Regression Results", type = "text")

Regression Results
                                Dependent variable:            
                            (1)                   (2)          
roe                       18.501*               22.674**       
                          (11.123)              (10.982)       
lsales                                         286.265***      
Constant                 963.191***           -1,482.294*      
                         (213.240)             (815.971)       
Observations                209                   209          
R2                         0.013                 0.057         
Adjusted R2                0.008                 0.048         
Residual Std. Error 1,366.555 (df = 207)  1,338.984 (df = 206) 
F Statistic         2.767* (df = 1; 207) 6.247*** (df = 2; 206)
Note:                               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from statsmodels.iolib.summary2 import summary_col

data = pd.read_stata("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
model1 = sm.OLS.from_formula("salary ~ roe", data=data).fit()
model2 = sm.OLS.from_formula("salary ~ roe + lsales", data=data).fit()
summary = summary_col([model1, model2], stars=True)

                 salary I   salary II 
Intercept      963.1913*** -1482.2944*
               (213.2403)  (815.9709) 
R-squared      0.0132      0.0572     
R-squared Adj. 0.0084      0.0480     
lsales                     286.2647***
roe            18.5012*    22.6738**  
               (11.1233)   (10.9816)  
Standard errors in parentheses.
* p<.1, ** p<.05, ***p<.01
use "files/CEOSAL1.DTA" , replace
eststo: qui reg salary roe 
eststo: qui reg salary roe lsales
(est1 stored)

(est2 stored)

                      (1)             (2)   
                   salary          salary   
roe                 18.50           22.67*  
                   (1.66)          (2.06)   

lsales                              286.3** 

_cons               963.2***      -1482.3   
                   (4.52)         (-1.82)   
N                     209             209   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Multivariable models


As defined before

\[R^2 = \frac{SSE}{SST} = 1-\frac{SSR}{SST}\]

One consequence of measuring \(R^2\) this way is that it never goes down when you include more variables.

  • It is intuitive, if you are including more variables, you are taking stuff from the residual, increasing \(R^2\).

If you have multivariate models, that could be a problem, especially if you want to compare the \(R^2\) of different models.

We often use:

\[Adj\;R^2 = 1-(1-R^2)\frac{(n-1)}{n-k-1}\]

Where n is the number of observations and k is the number of independent variables, excluding the constant.

Adj-R^2 can go up, but it can actually go down as well.



When control variables show high correlation, the model may present Multicollinearity.

  • Highly collinear variables can inflate SEs

  • But, multicollinearity does not create a bias.

Consider a model such as:

\[y_i= \alpha + \beta_1x1+\beta_2x2+\beta_3x3+ \mu\]

\(x_2\) and \(x3\) might be highly collinear.

  • This makes \(var(\beta_2)\) and \(var(\beta_3)\) increase.

  • But that changes nothing on \(var(\beta_1)\)


At the end of the day, multicollinearity is a non-problem. It is very rare that I need to test it in my own research!

  • The tip is to not include controls that are too collinear with the variable of interest (i.e., the treatment).

  • Of course, if you need them for stablish causality, you need to include them, ignoring multicollinearity



Multiplying or dividing by a constant does not change your inference.

Let’s say you multiply the Y by 1.000. What will change?

In the example from before:

  • \(\alpha=963.19\)
  • \(\beta=18.50\)

If you multiply the Y (earnings) by 1.000, the new coefficients will be:

  • \(\alpha=963,190\)
  • \(\beta=18,500\)


Scaling y by a constant c just causes all the estimates to be scaled by the same constant

\[y=\alpha + \beta x + \mu\]

\[c.y = c.\alpha + c.\beta x + c.\mu\]

  • new alpha: \(c.\alpha\)
  • new beta: \(c.\beta\)


The scaling has no effect on the relationship between X and Y.


data <- read.dta("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
data$salary = data$salary * 1000
model <- lm(salary ~ roe, data = data)

lm(formula = salary ~ roe, data = data)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1160168  -526023  -253964   138797 13499886 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   963191     213240   4.517 1.05e-05 ***
roe            18501      11123   1.663   0.0978 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 1367000 on 207 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.01319,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.008421 
F-statistic: 2.767 on 1 and 207 DF,  p-value: 0.09777
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import numpy as np

mydata = pd.read_stata("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
array1 = np.array([1000])
mydata['salary'] = np.multiply(mydata['salary'], array1)
X = sm.add_constant(mydata['roe'])  # Adding a constant (intercept) term
y = mydata['salary'] 
model = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                 salary   R-squared:                       0.013
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.008
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     2.767
Date:                qua, 20 set 2023   Prob (F-statistic):             0.0978
Time:                        10:44:27   Log-Likelihood:                -3248.3
No. Observations:                 209   AIC:                             6501.
Df Residuals:                     207   BIC:                             6507.
Df Model:                           1                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const       9.632e+05   2.13e+05      4.517      0.000    5.43e+05    1.38e+06
roe          1.85e+04   1.11e+04      1.663      0.098   -3428.196    4.04e+04
Omnibus:                      311.096   Durbin-Watson:                   2.105
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):            31120.902
Skew:                           6.915   Prob(JB):                         0.00
Kurtosis:                      61.158   Cond. No.                         43.3

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
use "files/CEOSAL1.DTA" , replace
replace salary = salary * 1000
qui reg salary roe 
variable salary was int now long
(209 real changes made)

roe               18501.2   

_cons            963191.3***
N                     209   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001


What if, instead, we multiply the x (ROE) by a constant 1000.

\[y=\alpha + \beta x + \mu\]

\[y = \alpha + \frac{\beta}{1.000} (1.000 x)+ \mu\]


Only \(\beta\) changes.


data <- read.dta("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
data$roe = data$roe * 1000
model <- lm(salary ~ roe, data = data)

lm(formula = salary ~ roe, data = data)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-1160.2  -526.0  -254.0   138.8 13499.9 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 963.19134  213.24026   4.517 1.05e-05 ***
roe           0.01850    0.01112   1.663   0.0978 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 1367 on 207 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.01319,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.008421 
F-statistic: 2.767 on 1 and 207 DF,  p-value: 0.09777
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import numpy as np

mydata = pd.read_stata("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
array1 = np.array([1000])
mydata['roe'] = np.multiply(mydata['roe'], array1)
X = sm.add_constant(mydata['roe'])  # Adding a constant (intercept) term
y = mydata['salary'] 
model = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                 salary   R-squared:                       0.013
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.008
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     2.767
Date:                qua, 20 set 2023   Prob (F-statistic):             0.0978
Time:                        10:44:29   Log-Likelihood:                -1804.5
No. Observations:                 209   AIC:                             3613.
Df Residuals:                     207   BIC:                             3620.
Df Model:                           1                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const        963.1913    213.240      4.517      0.000     542.790    1383.592
roe            0.0185      0.011      1.663      0.098      -0.003       0.040
Omnibus:                      311.096   Durbin-Watson:                   2.105
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):            31120.902
Skew:                           6.915   Prob(JB):                         0.00
Kurtosis:                      61.158   Cond. No.                     4.32e+04

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 4.32e+04. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.
use "files/CEOSAL1.DTA" , replace
replace roe = roe * 1000
qui reg salary roe 
(209 real changes made)

roe                0.0185   

_cons               963.2***
N                     209   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001


Scaling is useful when we estimate very large or very small coefficients.

  • 0.000000185
  • 185000000.00

Such coefficients are hard to read.

Scaling affect the \(\beta\) and S.E. but do not affect the t-stat.


To write a better story in your article in terms of magnitudes, it could be helpful to scale the variables by their sample standard deviation.

  • Let’s say that \(\sigma_x\) and \(\sigma_y\) are the s.d. of x and y, respectively.

  • Let’s say that you divide X by \(\sigma_x\) (\(k=\frac{1}{\sigma_x}\)) and y by \(\sigma_y\) (\(c=\frac{1}{\sigma_y}\)).

  • Now, units of x and y are standard deviations.


You would have:

  • \(\alpha\) scaled by (\(c=\frac{1}{\sigma_x}\))

  • \(\beta\) scaled by (\(\frac{c=\frac{1}{\sigma_x}}{k=\frac{1}{\sigma_y}}\))

\[c y = c \alpha + \frac{c \beta}{k} (k x)+ c \mu\]

\[\frac{1}{\sigma_y} y = \frac{1}{\sigma_y} \alpha + \frac{\sigma_x}{\sigma_y} \beta (\frac{x}{\sigma_x} )+ \frac{1}{\sigma_y} \mu\]

So, if you estimate a \(\beta\) of 0.2, it means that a 1 s.d. increase in x leads to a 0.2 s.d. increase in y.

Functional form of relationships

In many cases, you want to use the logarithm of a variable. This changes the interpretation of the coefficients you estimate.

  • log-log regression: both Y and X are in log values \(ln(Y) = \alpha + \beta \times ln(X) + \epsilon\). The interpretation of \(\beta\) in this case is: one percent increase of \(x\) leads to \(\beta\) percent increase in \(y\).
  • log-level regression: both Y and X are in log values \(ln(Y) = \alpha + \beta \times X + \epsilon\). The interpretation of \(\beta\) in this case is: one unit increase of \(x\) leads to \(\beta\) percent increase in \(y\).
  • level-log regression: both Y and X are in log values \(Y = \alpha + \beta \times ln(X) + \epsilon\). The interpretation of \(\beta\) in this case is: one percent increase of \(x\) leads to \(\frac{\beta}{100}\) units increase in \(y\).

Important note: the misspecification of x’s is similar to the omitted variable bias (OVB).



In real research, one very common problem is when you have outliers.

Outliers are observations very far from the mean. For instance, companies that have 800% of leverage (\(\frac{Debt}{TA}\)). Clearly, situations like this are typing errors in the original dataset. And this is more common that one should expect.

Researchers avoid excluding such variables. We only exclude when it is totally necessary.

To avoid using these weird values, we winsorize.

Usually, 1% at both tails.


Look at the following dispersion graphs. Something weird?

mydata <- read.dta("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
options(repr.plot.width=6, repr.plot.height=4) 
ggplot(mydata, aes(x = roe, y = salary)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Salary vs. ROE", x = "ROE", y = "Salary") +

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mydata = pd.read_stata("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))  
sns.scatterplot(x = "roe", y = "salary", data=mydata)
plt.title("Salary vs. ROE")

use "files/CEOSAL1.DTA" , replace
twoway scatter salary roe
qui graph export "files/graph6_1.svg", replace


Take a look on the extreme values now.


data <- read.dta("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
data$w_salary     <- Winsorize(data$salary   , probs = c(0.05, 0.95) , na.rm = TRUE) 
data$w_roe     <- Winsorize(data$roe   , probs = c(0.05, 0.95) , na.rm = TRUE) 
options(repr.plot.width=6, repr.plot.height=4) 
ggplot(data, aes(y = w_salary, x = w_roe)) +
  geom_point() +

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

mydata = pd.read_stata("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
quantiles = [0.05, 0.95]
mydata['w_salary'] = mydata['salary'].clip(np.percentile(mydata['salary'], quantiles[0]), np.percentile(mydata['salary'], quantiles[1]))
mydata['w_roe'] = mydata['roe'].clip(np.percentile(mydata['roe'], quantiles[0]), np.percentile(mydata['roe'], quantiles[1]))
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))  
plt.scatter(mydata['w_roe'], mydata['w_salary'])
plt.xlabel('Winsorized ROE')
plt.ylabel('Winsorized Salary')
plt.title('Scatter Plot of Winsorized Salary vs. Winsorized ROE')

use "files/CEOSAL1.DTA" , replace
winsor salary , gen(w_salary) p(0.05)
winsor roe , gen(w_roe) p(0.05)
twoway scatter w_salary w_roe
qui graph export "files/graph6_2.svg", replace


Finally, take a look at the statistics.


data <- read.dta("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
data$w_salary     <- Winsorize(data$salary   , probs = c(0.05, 0.95) , na.rm = TRUE) 
data$w_roe     <- Winsorize(data$roe   , probs = c(0.05, 0.95) , na.rm = TRUE) 
summary_stats <- summary(data[c("salary", "w_salary", "roe", "w_roe")])
     salary         w_salary         roe            w_roe      
 Min.   :  223   Min.   : 450   Min.   : 0.50   Min.   : 6.92  
 1st Qu.:  736   1st Qu.: 736   1st Qu.:12.40   1st Qu.:12.40  
 Median : 1039   Median :1039   Median :15.50   Median :15.50  
 Mean   : 1281   Mean   :1127   Mean   :17.18   Mean   :16.86  
 3rd Qu.: 1407   3rd Qu.:1407   3rd Qu.:20.00   3rd Qu.:20.00  
 Max.   :14822   Max.   :2295   Max.   :56.30   Max.   :34.38  

Python for some reason is no good.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

data = pd.read_stata("files/CEOSAL1.DTA")
quantiles = [0.005, 0.095]
data['w_salary'] = data['salary'].clip(np.percentile(data['salary'], quantiles[0]), np.percentile(data['salary'], quantiles[1]))
data['w_roe'] = data['roe'].clip(np.percentile(data['roe'], quantiles[0]), np.percentile(data['roe'], quantiles[1]))
summary_stats = data[["salary", "w_salary", "roe", "w_roe"]].describe()
             salary    w_salary         roe       w_roe
count    209.000000  209.000000  209.000000  209.000000
mean    1281.119617  229.491242   17.184210    0.775387
std     1372.345308    0.427314    8.518508    0.018129
min      223.000000  223.343200    0.500000    0.514560
25%      736.000000  229.520800   12.400000    0.776640
50%     1039.000000  229.520800   15.500000    0.776640
75%     1407.000000  229.520800   20.000000    0.776640
max    14822.000000  229.520800   56.299999    0.776640
use "files/CEOSAL1.DTA" , replace
winsor salary , gen(w_salary) p(0.05)
winsor roe , gen(w_roe) p(0.05)
estpost tabstat salary w_salary roe w_roe , s(min, mean, max, sd, count) c(s)
Summary statistics: min mean max sd count
     for variables: salary w_salary roe w_roe

             |    e(min)    e(mean)     e(max)      e(sd)   e(count) 
      salary |       223    1281.12      14822   1372.345        209 
    w_salary |       448   1128.306       2327    510.432        209 
         roe |        .5   17.18421       56.3   8.518509        209 
       w_roe |       6.8   16.89474       35.1   7.014505        209 

Models with binary variables

Models with binary variables

A binary variable is quite simple to understand: it takes the value of 0 for one group, and 1 for the other.

  • 0 for men
  • 1 for women

We can explore many interesting types of binary variables in most cases of corporate finance.

For instance, whether the firm is included in “Novo Mercado”, if the firm has high levels of ESG, etc.

Models with binary variables

The interpretation is a bit trickier.

Let’s think about the example 7.1 of Wooldridge. He estimates the following equation:

\[wage = \beta_0 + \delta_1 female + \beta_1 educ + \mu\]

  • In model (7.1), only two observed factors affect wage: gender and education.

  • Because \(female = 1\) when the person is female, and $female = 0 $ when the person is male, the parameter \(\delta_1\) has the following interpretation:

Models with binary variables

  • \(\delta_1\) is the difference in hourly wage between females and males, given the same amount of education (and the same error term u).

Thus, the coefficient \(\delta_1\) determines whether there is discrimination against women:

  • if \(\delta_1<0\), then, for the same level of other factors, women earn less than men on average.

In terms of expectations, if we assume the zero conditional mean assumption E(\(\mu\) | female,educ) = 0, then

  • \(\delta_1 = E(wage | female = 1, educ) - E(wage | female = 0, educ)\), or

  • \(\delta_1 = E(wage | female, educ) - E(wage | male, educ)\)

  • The key here is that the level of education is the same in both expectations; the difference, \(\delta_1\) , is due to gender only.

Models with binary variables

The visual interpretation is as follows. The situation can be depicted graphically as an intercept shift between males and females. The interpretation relies on \(\delta_1\). We can observe that \(delta_1 < 0\); this is an argument for existence of a gender gap in wage.

Models with binary variables

Models with binary variables


data <- read_dta("files/wage1.dta")
model <- lm(wage ~ female +  educ + exper + tenure , data)
stargazer(model,title = "Regression Results", type = "text")

Regression Results
                        Dependent variable:    
female                       -1.811***         
educ                         0.572***          
exper                         0.025**          
tenure                       0.141***          
Constant                     -1.568**          
Observations                    526            
R2                             0.364           
Adjusted R2                    0.359           
Residual Std. Error      2.958 (df = 521)      
F Statistic           74.398*** (df = 4; 521)  
Note:               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
data = pd.read_stata("files/wage1.dta")
X = data[['female', 'educ', 'exper', 'tenure']]
y = data['wage']
X = sm.add_constant(X)
model = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                   wage   R-squared:                       0.364
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.359
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     74.40
Date:                qua, 20 set 2023   Prob (F-statistic):           7.30e-50
Time:                        10:44:42   Log-Likelihood:                -1314.2
No. Observations:                 526   AIC:                             2638.
Df Residuals:                     521   BIC:                             2660.
Df Model:                           4                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const         -1.5679      0.725     -2.164      0.031      -2.991      -0.145
female        -1.8109      0.265     -6.838      0.000      -2.331      -1.291
educ           0.5715      0.049     11.584      0.000       0.475       0.668
exper          0.0254      0.012      2.195      0.029       0.003       0.048
tenure         0.1410      0.021      6.663      0.000       0.099       0.183
Omnibus:                      185.864   Durbin-Watson:                   1.794
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):              715.580
Skew:                           1.589   Prob(JB):                    4.11e-156
Kurtosis:                       7.749   Cond. No.                         141.

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
use "files/wage1.dta" , replace
eststo: qui reg wage female  educ exper  tenure
(est1 stored)

female             -1.811***

educ                0.572***

exper              0.0254*  

tenure              0.141***

_cons              -1.568*  
N                     526   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Models with quadratic terms

Models with quadratic terms

Let’s say you have a variable that should not show a clear linear relationship with another variable.

For instance, consider ownership concentration and firm value.There is a case to be made the relationship between these variable is not linear.

  • In low levels of ownership concentration (let’s say 5% of shares), a small increase in it might lead to an increase in firm value. The argument is that, in such levels, an increase in ownership concentration will lead the shareholder to monitor more the management maximizing the likelihood of value increasing decisions.
  • But consider now the case where the shareholder has 60% or more of the firm’s outstanding shares. If you increase further the concentration it might signals the market that this shareholder is too powerful that might start using the firm to personal benefits (which will not be shared with minorities).

If this story is true, the relationship is (inverse) u-shaped. That is, at first the relationship is positive, then becomes negative.

Models with quadratic terms

Theoretically, I could make an argument for a non-linear relationship between several variables of interest in finance. Let’s say size and leverage. Small firms might not be able to issue too much debt as middle size firms. At the same time, huge firms might not need debt. The empirical relationship might be non-linear.

As noted before, misspecifying the functional form of a model can create biases.

But, in this specific case, the problem seems minor since we have the data to fix it.

The model is:

\[y_i = \alpha + \beta_1 x_i + \beta_2 x_i^2 + \epsilon\]

Models with quadratic terms

How to include quadratic terms? Create the variable and include as control.


data <- read.dta("files/CEOSAL1.dta")

data$roe_sq = data$roe * data$roe
model1 <- lm(salary ~ roe, data=data)
model2 <- lm(salary ~ roe + roe_sq, data=data)

stargazer(model1, model2, title = "Regression Results", type = "text")

Regression Results
                               Dependent variable:           
                            (1)                  (2)         
roe                       18.501*               33.474       
                          (11.123)             (36.439)      
roe_sq                                          -0.314       
Constant                 963.191***           821.423**      
                         (213.240)            (391.861)      
Observations                209                  209         
R2                         0.013                0.014        
Adjusted R2                0.008                0.005        
Residual Std. Error 1,366.555 (df = 207) 1,369.249 (df = 206)
F Statistic         2.767* (df = 1; 207) 1.471 (df = 2; 206) 
Note:                             *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.iolib.summary2 import summary_col
data = pd.read_stata("files/CEOSAL1.dta")
data['roe_sq'] = data['roe'] ** 2
# OLS model
model1 = sm.OLS(data['salary'], sm.add_constant(data['roe'])).fit()
model2 = sm.OLS(data['salary'], sm.add_constant(data[['roe', 'roe_sq']])).fit()
summary = summary_col([model1, model2], stars=True)

                 salary I  salary II 
R-squared      0.0132      0.0141    
R-squared Adj. 0.0084      0.0045    
const          963.1913*** 821.4228**
               (213.2403)  (391.8609)
roe            18.5012*    33.4737   
               (11.1233)   (36.4387) 
roe_sq                     -0.3143   
Standard errors in parentheses.
* p<.1, ** p<.05, ***p<.01
use "files/CEOSAL1.DTA" , replace
gen roe_sq = roe * roe
eststo: qui reg salary roe 
eststo: qui reg salary roe roe_sq
(est1 stored)

(est2 stored)

                      (1)             (2)   
                   salary          salary   
roe                 18.50           33.47   
                   (1.66)          (0.92)   

roe_sq                             -0.314   

_cons               963.2***        821.4*  
                   (4.52)          (2.10)   
N                     209             209   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Models with quadratic terms

In the previous example, the quadratic term is not significant, suggesting the relationship is not quadratic.

Also, notice that the linear term is also not significant anymore.

Models with quadratic terms

Here, the association is non-linear? What does it mean?


data <- read_dta("files/wage1.dta")
model <- lm(lwage ~ female +  educ + exper + expersq + tenure + tenursq, data)
stargazer(model,title = "Regression Results", type = "text")

Regression Results
                        Dependent variable:    
female                       -0.297***         
educ                         0.080***          
exper                        0.029***          
expersq                      -0.001***         
tenure                       0.032***          
tenursq                      -0.001**          
Constant                     0.417***          
Observations                    526            
R2                             0.441           
Adjusted R2                    0.434           
Residual Std. Error      0.400 (df = 519)      
F Statistic           68.177*** (df = 6; 519)  
Note:               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
data = pd.read_stata("files/wage1.dta")
X = data[['female', 'educ', 'exper', 'expersq', 'tenure', 'tenursq']]
y = data['lwage']
X = sm.add_constant(X)
model = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                  lwage   R-squared:                       0.441
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.434
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     68.18
Date:                qua, 20 set 2023   Prob (F-statistic):           2.11e-62
Time:                        10:44:47   Log-Likelihood:                -260.59
No. Observations:                 526   AIC:                             535.2
Df Residuals:                     519   BIC:                             565.0
Df Model:                           6                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const          0.4167      0.099      4.212      0.000       0.222       0.611
female        -0.2965      0.036     -8.281      0.000      -0.367      -0.226
educ           0.0802      0.007     11.868      0.000       0.067       0.093
exper          0.0294      0.005      5.916      0.000       0.020       0.039
expersq       -0.0006      0.000     -5.431      0.000      -0.001      -0.000
tenure         0.0317      0.007      4.633      0.000       0.018       0.045
tenursq       -0.0006      0.000     -2.493      0.013      -0.001      -0.000
Omnibus:                       13.111   Durbin-Watson:                   1.796
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.001   Jarque-Bera (JB):               24.212
Skew:                          -0.085   Prob(JB):                     5.53e-06
Kurtosis:                       4.037   Cond. No.                     4.49e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 4.49e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.
use "files/wage1.dta" , replace
eststo: qui reg lwage female  educ exper expersq tenure tenursq
(est1 stored)

female             -0.297***

educ               0.0802***

exper              0.0294***

expersq         -0.000583***

tenure             0.0317***

tenursq         -0.000585*  

_cons               0.417***
N                     526   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Models with Interactions

Models with Interactions

In some specific cases, you want to interact variables to test if the interacted effect is significant.

For instance, you might believe that, using Wooldridge very traditional example 7.4., women that are married are yet more discriminated in the job market than single women.

So, you may prefer to estimate the following equation to follow your intuition.

\[wage = \beta_0 + \beta_1 female + \beta_2 married + \beta_3 female.married + \mu\]

Where \(maried\) is a binary variable marking all married people with 1, and 0 otherwise. \(female\) marks 1 to women and 0 otherwise.

Models with Interactions

In this setting

  • The group of single men is the base case and is represented by \(\beta_0\). That is, both female and married are 0.

  • The group of single women is represented by \(\beta_0 + \beta_1\). That is, female is 1 but married is 0.

  • The group of married men is represented by \(\beta_0 + \beta_2\). That is, female is 0 but married is 1.

  • Finally, the group of married women is represented by \(\beta_0 + \beta_1 + \beta_2 + \beta_3\). That is, female and married are 1.

Models with Interactions

Using a random sample taken from the U.S. Current Population Survey for the year 1976, Wooldridge estimates that

  • \(female<0\)

  • \(married>0\)

  • \(female.married<0\)

This result makes sense for the 70s.

Models with Interactions

Models with Interactions


data <- read_dta("files/wage1.dta")
data$fem_mar <- data$female * data$married
model <- lm(lwage ~ female + married + fem_mar + educ + exper + expersq + tenure + tenursq, data)
stargazer(model,title = "Regression Results", type = "text")

Regression Results
                        Dependent variable:    
female                       -0.110**          
married                      0.213***          
fem_mar                      -0.301***         
educ                         0.079***          
exper                        0.027***          
expersq                      -0.001***         
tenure                       0.029***          
tenursq                      -0.001**          
Constant                     0.321***          
Observations                    526            
R2                             0.461           
Adjusted R2                    0.453           
Residual Std. Error      0.393 (df = 517)      
F Statistic           55.246*** (df = 8; 517)  
Note:               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
data = pd.read_stata("files/wage1.dta")
data['fem_mar'] = data['female'] * data['married']
X = data[['female', 'married', 'fem_mar', 'educ', 'exper', 'expersq', 'tenure', 'tenursq']]
y = data['lwage']
X = sm.add_constant(X)
model = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                  lwage   R-squared:                       0.461
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.453
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     55.25
Date:                qua, 20 set 2023   Prob (F-statistic):           1.28e-64
Time:                        10:44:49   Log-Likelihood:                -250.96
No. Observations:                 526   AIC:                             519.9
Df Residuals:                     517   BIC:                             558.3
Df Model:                           8                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const          0.3214      0.100      3.213      0.001       0.125       0.518
female        -0.1104      0.056     -1.980      0.048      -0.220      -0.001
married        0.2127      0.055      3.842      0.000       0.104       0.321
fem_mar       -0.3006      0.072     -4.188      0.000      -0.442      -0.160
educ           0.0789      0.007     11.787      0.000       0.066       0.092
exper          0.0268      0.005      5.112      0.000       0.017       0.037
expersq       -0.0005      0.000     -4.847      0.000      -0.001      -0.000
tenure         0.0291      0.007      4.302      0.000       0.016       0.042
tenursq       -0.0005      0.000     -2.306      0.022      -0.001   -7.89e-05
Omnibus:                       15.526   Durbin-Watson:                   1.785
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):               32.182
Skew:                          -0.062   Prob(JB):                     1.03e-07
Kurtosis:                       4.205   Cond. No.                     5.06e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 5.06e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.
use "files/wage1.dta" , replace
gen fem_mar = female * married
eststo: qui reg lwage female married fem_mar educ exper expersq tenure tenursq
(est1 stored)

female             -0.110*  

married             0.213***

fem_mar            -0.301***

educ               0.0789***

exper              0.0268***

expersq         -0.000535***

tenure             0.0291***

tenursq         -0.000533*  

_cons               0.321** 
N                     526   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Linear probability model

Linear probability model

When the dependent variable is binary we cannot rely on linear models as those discussed so far.

We need a linear probability model.

In such models, we are interested in how the probability of the occurrence of an event depends on the values of x. That is, we want to know \(P[y=1|x]\).

Imagine that \(y\) is employment status, 0 for unemployed, 1 for employed.

Imagine that we are interested in estimating the probability that a person start working after a training program.

For these types of problem, we need a linear probability model.

\[P[y=1|x] = \beta_0+\beta_1x_1+\beta_2x_2+...+\beta_kx_k + \epsilon\]

Linear probability model

The mechanics of estimating these model is similar to before, except that \(Y\) is binary.

The interpretation of coefficients change. That is, a unit change in \(x\) changes the probability of y = 1.

So, let’s say that \(\beta_1\) is 0.05. It means that changing \(x_1\) by one unit will change the probability of \(y = 1\) (i.e., getting a job) in 5%, ceteris paribus.

Linear probability model

Using Wooldridge’s example 7.29:


  • \(inlf\) =1 if in labor force, 1975

Linear probability model

The relationship between the probability of labor force participation and \(educ\) is plotted in the figure below.

Fixing the other independent variables at 50, 5, 30, 1 and 6, respectively, the predicted probability is negative until education equals 3.84 years. This is odd, since the model is predicting negative probability of employment given a set of specific values.

Linear probability model

Another example

The model is predicting that going from 0 to 4 kids less than 6 years old reduces the probability of working by \(4\times 0.262 = 1.048\), which is impossible since it is higher than 1.

The takeaway

That is, one important caveat of a linear probability model is that probabilities might falls off of expected empirical values.

If this is problematic to us, we might need a different solution.

Linear probability model


data <- read_dta("files/mroz.dta")
lpm <- lm(inlf ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + expersq + age + kidslt6 + kidsge6  , data = data)
stargazer(lpm,title = "Regression Results", type = "text")

Regression Results
                        Dependent variable:    
nwifeinc                     -0.003**          
educ                         0.038***          
exper                        0.039***          
expersq                      -0.001***         
age                          -0.016***         
kidslt6                      -0.262***         
kidsge6                        0.013           
Constant                     0.586***          
Observations                    753            
R2                             0.264           
Adjusted R2                    0.257           
Residual Std. Error      0.427 (df = 745)      
F Statistic           38.218*** (df = 7; 745)  
Note:               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

data = pd.read_stata("files/mroz.dta")
formula = "inlf ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + expersq + age + kidslt6 + kidsge6"
model = smf.ols(formula, data=data).fit()
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                   inlf   R-squared:                       0.264
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.257
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     38.22
Date:                qua, 20 set 2023   Prob (F-statistic):           6.90e-46
Time:                        10:44:51   Log-Likelihood:                -423.89
No. Observations:                 753   AIC:                             863.8
Df Residuals:                     745   BIC:                             900.8
Df Model:                           7                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
Intercept      0.5855      0.154      3.798      0.000       0.283       0.888
nwifeinc      -0.0034      0.001     -2.351      0.019      -0.006      -0.001
educ           0.0380      0.007      5.151      0.000       0.024       0.052
exper          0.0395      0.006      6.962      0.000       0.028       0.051
expersq       -0.0006      0.000     -3.227      0.001      -0.001      -0.000
age           -0.0161      0.002     -6.476      0.000      -0.021      -0.011
kidslt6       -0.2618      0.034     -7.814      0.000      -0.328      -0.196
kidsge6        0.0130      0.013      0.986      0.324      -0.013       0.039
Omnibus:                      169.137   Durbin-Watson:                   0.494
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):               36.741
Skew:                          -0.196   Prob(JB):                     1.05e-08
Kurtosis:                       1.991   Cond. No.                     3.06e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 3.06e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.
use "files/mroz.dta" , replace

eststo: qui reg inlf nwifeinc educ exper expersq age kidslt6 kidsge6
(est1 stored)

nwifeinc         -0.00341*  

educ               0.0380***

exper              0.0395***

expersq         -0.000596** 

age               -0.0161***

kidslt6            -0.262***

kidsge6            0.0130   

_cons               0.586***
N                     753   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Logit and Probit

Logit and Probit

Although the linear probability model is simple to estimate and use, it has some limitations as discussed.

If that problem is important to us, we need a solution that addresses the problem of negative or higher than 1 probability.

That is, we need a binary response model.

In a binary response model, interest relies on the response probability.

\[P(y =1 | x) = P(y=1| x_1,x_2,x_3,...)\]

That is, we have a group of X variables explaining Y, which is binary. In a LPM, we assume that the response probability is linear in the parameters \(\beta\).

  • This is the assumption that created the problem discussed above.

Logit and Probit

We can change that assumption to a different function.

  • A logit model assumes a logistic function (\(G(Z)=\frac{exp(z)}{[1+exp(z)]}\))
  • A probit model assumes a standard normal cumulative distribution function (\(\int_{-inf}^{+z}\phi(v)dv\))

The adjustment is something as follows.

\[P(y =1 | x) = G(\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1+ \beta_2 x_2 + \beta_3 x_3)\]

Where G is either the logistic (logit) or the normal (probit) function.

We don’t need to memorize the functions, but we need to understand the adjustment that assuming a different function makes.

Basically, we will not have predicted negative values anymore because the function adjusts at very low and very high values.

Logit and Probit

Logit and Probit

data <- read_dta("files/mroz.dta")
lpm <- lm(inlf ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + expersq + age + kidslt6 + kidsge6  , data )
logit <- glm(inlf ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + expersq + age + kidslt6 + kidsge6  , data ,family = binomial)
probit <- glm(inlf ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + expersq + age + kidslt6 + kidsge6  , data , family = binomial(link = probit))
stargazer(lpm , logit, probit,title = "Regression Results", type = "text")

Regression Results
                                Dependent variable:            
                              OLS           logistic   probit  
                              (1)              (2)       (3)   
nwifeinc                   -0.003**         -0.021**  -0.012** 
                            (0.001)          (0.008)   (0.005) 
educ                       0.038***         0.221***  0.131*** 
                            (0.007)          (0.043)   (0.025) 
exper                      0.039***         0.206***  0.123*** 
                            (0.006)          (0.032)   (0.019) 
expersq                    -0.001***        -0.003*** -0.002***
                           (0.0002)          (0.001)   (0.001) 
age                        -0.016***        -0.088*** -0.053***
                            (0.002)          (0.015)   (0.008) 
kidslt6                    -0.262***        -1.443*** -0.868***
                            (0.034)          (0.204)   (0.118) 
kidsge6                      0.013            0.060     0.036  
                            (0.013)          (0.075)   (0.044) 
Constant                   0.586***           0.425     0.270  
                            (0.154)          (0.860)   (0.508) 
Observations                  753              753       753   
R2                           0.264                             
Adjusted R2                  0.257                             
Log Likelihood                              -401.765  -401.302 
Akaike Inf. Crit.                            819.530   818.604 
Residual Std. Error    0.427 (df = 745)                        
F Statistic         38.218*** (df = 7; 745)                    
Note:                               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from statsmodels.iolib.summary2 import summary_col

data = pd.read_stata("files/mroz.dta")
lpm_model = smf.ols("inlf ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + expersq + age + kidslt6 + kidsge6", data=data).fit(disp=False)
logit_model = smf.logit("inlf ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + expersq + age + kidslt6 + kidsge6", data=data).fit(disp=False)
probit_model = smf.probit("inlf ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + expersq + age + kidslt6 + kidsge6", data=data).fit(disp=False)
summary = summary_col([lpm_model, logit_model,probit_model], stars=True)

                 inlf I    inlf II    inlf III 
Intercept      0.5855***  0.4255     0.2701    
               (0.1542)   (0.8604)   (0.5086)  
R-squared      0.2642                          
R-squared Adj. 0.2573                          
age            -0.0161*** -0.0880*** -0.0529***
               (0.0025)   (0.0146)   (0.0085)  
educ           0.0380***  0.2212***  0.1309*** 
               (0.0074)   (0.0434)   (0.0253)  
exper          0.0395***  0.2059***  0.1233*** 
               (0.0057)   (0.0321)   (0.0187)  
expersq        -0.0006*** -0.0032*** -0.0019***
               (0.0002)   (0.0010)   (0.0006)  
kidsge6        0.0130     0.0601     0.0360    
               (0.0132)   (0.0748)   (0.0435)  
kidslt6        -0.2618*** -1.4434*** -0.8683***
               (0.0335)   (0.2036)   (0.1185)  
nwifeinc       -0.0034**  -0.0213**  -0.0120** 
               (0.0014)   (0.0084)   (0.0048)  
Standard errors in parentheses.
* p<.1, ** p<.05, ***p<.01
use "files/mroz.dta" , replace
eststo: qui regress inlf nwifeinc educ exper expersq age kidslt6 kidsge6
eststo: qui logit inlf nwifeinc educ exper expersq age kidslt6 kidsge6
eststo: qui probit inlf nwifeinc educ exper expersq age kidslt6 kidsge6
(est1 stored)

(est2 stored)

(est3 stored)

                      (1)             (2)             (3)   
                     inlf            inlf            inlf   
nwifeinc         -0.00341*        -0.0213*        -0.0120*  
                  (-2.35)         (-2.53)         (-2.48)   

educ               0.0380***        0.221***        0.131***
                   (5.15)          (5.09)          (5.18)   

exper              0.0395***        0.206***        0.123***
                   (6.96)          (6.42)          (6.59)   

expersq         -0.000596**      -0.00315**      -0.00189** 
                  (-3.23)         (-3.10)         (-3.15)   

age               -0.0161***      -0.0880***      -0.0529***
                  (-6.48)         (-6.04)         (-6.23)   

kidslt6            -0.262***       -1.443***       -0.868***
                  (-7.81)         (-7.09)         (-7.33)   

kidsge6            0.0130          0.0601          0.0360   
                   (0.99)          (0.80)          (0.83)   

_cons               0.586***        0.425           0.270   
                   (3.80)          (0.49)          (0.53)   
N                     753             753             753   
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001

Logit and Probit

Importantly, in a LPM model, the coefficients have similar interpretations as usual.

But logit and probit models lead to harder to interpret coefficients.

In fact, often we do not make any interpretation of these coefficients.

Instead, we usually transform them to arrive at an interpretation that is similar to what we have in LPM.

To make the magnitudes of probit and logit roughly comparable, we can multiply the probit coefficients by 1.6, or we can multiply the logit estimates by .625.

Also, the probit slope estimates can be divided by 2.5 to make them comparable to the LPM estimates.

After these adjustments, the interpretation of the logit and probit outputs are similar to LPM’s.



Another problem in the dependent variable occurs when we have a limited dependent variable with a corner solution.

That is, a variable that ranges from zero to all positive values.

For instance, hours working.

  • Nobody works less than zero hours, but individuals in the population can work many number of positive hours.

When we have such type of dependent variable, we need to estimate a tobit model.


Tobit can make a huge difference to the LPM model.

data <- read_dta("files/mroz.dta")
lpm <- lm(hours ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + expersq + age + kidslt6 + kidsge6  , data = data)
tobit <- tobit(hours ~ nwifeinc + educ + exper + expersq + age + kidslt6 + kidsge6  , data = data)
stargazer(lpm , tobit ,title = "Regression Results", type = "text")

Regression Results
                                Dependent variable:            
                              OLS                  Tobit       
                              (1)                   (2)        
nwifeinc                    -3.447               -8.814**      
                            (2.544)               (4.459)      
educ                       28.761**              80.646***     
                           (12.955)              (21.583)      
exper                      65.673***            131.564***     
                            (9.963)              (17.279)      
expersq                    -0.700**              -1.864***     
                            (0.325)               (0.538)      
age                       -30.512***            -54.405***     
                            (4.364)               (7.419)      
kidslt6                   -442.090***           -894.022***    
                           (58.847)              (111.878)     
kidsge6                     -32.779               -16.218      
                           (23.176)              (38.641)      
Constant                 1,330.482***            965.305**     
                           (270.785)             (446.436)     
Observations                  753                   753        
R2                           0.266                             
Adjusted R2                  0.259                             
Log Likelihood                                  -3,819.095     
Residual Std. Error   750.179 (df = 745)                       
F Statistic         38.495*** (df = 7; 745)                    
Wald Test                                   253.862*** (df = 7)
Note:                               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

Economic vs statistical significance

Economic vs statistical significance

Economic is not the same as statistical significance!

  • coefficients may be significantly different from 0 from a statistical perspective.

  • but their economic significance may be very small.

  • Conversely, coefficients might be economically large but with no statistical significance.

Economic vs statistical significance

There is considerable variation in this regard in empirical research.

But we should always try to show economic significance alongside the statistical significance.

  • How large is the variation in \(y\) given a unit variation in \(x\)?

  • Try to put that on economic figures. A thousand? A million?

  • Perhaps more importantly, are these figures realistic?

    • e.g., How realistic is a predicted increase in salary of 1 Million?